The department of neurosurgery at the JPNATC is one of the largest departments in JPNATC and is involved in care of patients with head injuries, spinal injuries & peripheral nerve & brachial plexus injuries, besides being involved in various research & academic activities
The department has dedicated personnel on duty at all times for managing head injuries and a dedicated operation theatre which functions round the clock. On an average 3-5 head injuries are operated every day in JPNATC. The department has a state-of art 14 bedded dedicated neurosurgery ICU (TC3 ICU) with all modern facilities for managing critically injured patients. Protocols are followed for management of various facets of head injury & under the supervision of competent faculty, trained nurses along with physiotherapists & dieticians ensure optimal ICU care for these patients. A mobile CT scanner is also being purchased for improving head injury management in the NICU. Following stabilization, patients are shifted to a 6 bedded high dependency unit (HDU) located in TC5 ward where dedicated monitors & ventilators are available at every bed.
The department manages all types of spinal injury & spinal cord injury and provides complete & holistic care to these patients. Injuries managed include cervical, thoracic & lumbar fracture-dislocations with or without spinal cord injury. The department has extensive experience in all types of spinal instrumentation including cervical plating systems, pedicle screws & spinal cord decompressions. We are in the process of acquiring endoscopic spine surgery instrumentation for improved patient care & to provide the latest in spine surgery to our patients
The department arguably manages the largest number of brachial plexus & peripheral nerve injury patients in India and has one of the largest experiences in treating such patients in India. RESEARCH: The department is actively involved in cutting edge research in neurosciences and is involved in various intramural & extramural research activities. Thrust areas for research include pathophysiology of head injury & spinal cord injury as well as brachial plexus injuries.
The department is actively involved in cutting edge research in neurosciences and is involved in various intramural & extramural research activities. Thrust areas for research include pathophysiology of head injury & spinal cord injury as well as brachial plexus injuries.

Dr. Deepak Agrawal

Dr. Deepak Gupta

Dr. G.D.Satyarthee

Dr. Pankaj Kumar Singh

Dr. Kokkula Preneeth