
About the division
As a corollary to modernization, the life has become faster these days, traffic has become thicker and thereby increasing the incidence of trauma. The colossal role of trauma centers to curtail the morbidity of trauma patients can be easily assumed. The establishment of JPNATC (a Level I Apex Trauma centre) is an audacious step in this regard.
Division of Trauma Surgery & Critical care is one of the main pillars on which JPNATC stands. Under the proficient guidance of Prof. Rajesh Malhotra, Chief of Trauma Centre, the Division, has attained a reputable position in the society because of proficiency and continuous endeavor of the consultants for the best in every aspect and the commitment of the residents. The Division of Trauma Surgery & Critical Care bridges the critical gap between the resuscitation to definitive management and beyond at the Apex Trauma Center, AIIMS. Keeping itself truthful to its cause it provides the continuity of care to seriously injured poly trauma patients while also providing specialized definitive care to them. It runs in close cooperation with other clinical departments at trauma center i.e. Emergency Department, Neuro-trauma, Orthopedic trauma and Trauma Critical Care providing a holistic care to the multiply injured patients. The trauma surgery unit provides support to the specialty departments of neuro-trauma and orthopedic trauma as and when required.
The Trauma Surgery & Critical care residents also man the Trauma Emergency Department where they are an integral part of the Trauma resuscitation team. Nearly all traumas except specialty driven Neuro and Orthopedic trauma is being taken care of by the Division. The spectrum of cases taken care of by the Division is:
- Torso trauma
- Abdominal Injuries
- Thoracic Injuries
- Combined Abdominothoracic Injuries
- Maxillofacial Injuries
- Neck injuries
- Vascular Injuries
- Extremity and Torso Soft-tissue Injuries
- Poly trauma patients with predominant trauma surgeon role.
All patients being taken Care by the Trauma Surgery & Critical care Division are dealt with equal expertise to the contentment of the patients, relatives and the treating surgeons as well.

Dr Sushma Sagar

Dr Amit Gupta

Dr Subodh Kumar

Dr Biplab Mishra

Dr Dinesh Bagaria

Dr Pratyusha Priyadarshini

Dr Abhinav Kumar

Dr Narendra Choudhary

Dr Junaid Alam