All the emergency health care providers will be trained in concept of triage, initial management of trauma (ATLS), team Concept, basic life support, ACLS, mass casualty drill, advanced hazmat life support. The department holds a lecture series eve-ry Monday, seminars every Thursday, journal Club and simulation once a month, and workshops once in 3 months. There is a performance improvement and patient safety program once a month and Qual-ity Assurance program twice a Month.
Residents and nurse is being evaluated on monthly basis by peer review method so that strength and weakness of an indi-vidual can be assessed and rectified. The department also peruses education in Trauma under the ambit of Indo-US Emergency and Trauma Collaborative www.indusem.com. It also has a pivotal role in organizing workshops like airway management in Emergency Room & Emer-gency Sonography workshop.